Your Questions

As you navigate mental health and relationship challenges, you may have questions on why you are going through some of these difficulties. You may also wonder where God is during all of your trials and question His existence and love for you. We hope you find some of the answers you are searching for here.

Why is 'this' happening to me?

Why is “this” happening to me?

Whereas there are many reasons people suffer from mental health challenges, it is likely some of you have suffered some type of trauma in your life. You may be suffering from abuse of someone who should have loved you, a failed relationship,  the loss of a loved one, or a debilitating illness. Whatever your ‘this’ is, we want you to know you are not alone in asking this question.


Because we live in a fallen world, “this” happens. People will fail you, hurt you or disappoint you. Sickness, tragedy, and an array of circumstances happen. In your quest for answers, you might find the reason why “this” happened, but you also might not. Life can be challenging and unfair.


However, you do not need to be defined by the hardships you face.  Your worth and value go beyond the difficulties you are currently experiencing.  Seeking support and understanding can be a powerful step in the journey toward healing and resilience.


If you are in a dangerous situation, we strongly encourage you to seek help immediately. This link has some resources that may be of help to you.

How do I cope with overwhelming emotions?

How do I cope with overwhelming emotions?

When you are suffering with mental health challenges whether it’s because of a  traumatic experience or a host of other reasons, this may cause you to feel a myriad of emotions including but not limited to depression, anxiety, and anger.  It is important to know it is natural to feel some of these emotions, but you don’t have to stay stuck in them. 


With the help of a trained professional, you can learn to grow through, set boundaries and heal from any trauma you have been through. Just remember that healing is a process and there may be layers to work through so be patient with yourself.  


In addition to seeking counseling, we also encourage you to spend time on our website to find resources that may help you on your journey from pain to purpose.

What role does forgiveness play in my mental health?

What role does forgiveness play in my mental health?

We all need to forgive and be forgiven. All of us have done something to hurt someone.  You may believe it is impossible to forgive someone who has wronged you in a tremendous way or that they don’t deserve your forgiveness. Or perhaps you may feel that you have done something so bad that it is impossible to be forgiven.  

Jesus is the perfect example of someone who forgave all those who hurt him even when they did not deserve His forgiveness. He paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we could forgive and be forgiven.  

Forgiveness is part of your healing process. Unforgiveness will poison your soul. It is not worth the havoc it will do to your body and emotions. For more resources on forgiveness, click here.

Where is God when I’m hurting?

Where is God when I’m hurting?

It’s easy to think that God is not there or doesn’t care when we are hurting, but it’s quite the opposite. There is even a story in the bible that talks about when Jesus wept because his friend Lazarus had died. God hurts when we hurt. The good news is that He is there to walk with you through every trial and to comfort you as you navigate through the pain.  He will not leave you stuck in your pain. If you welcome His help, He will not only heal you but turn your pain into purpose.

What is the purpose or meaning of my life?

What is the purpose or meaning of my life?

If you want to understand the real purpose or meaning of your life, it is important to go back to the beginning and ask the questions of who created you and what did He create you for. God  created you, loves you and has a specific plan and purpose for your life. You were created with love, value and significance no matter how you came into this world. As you pursue Him, you will discover your unique purpose for living.

What if I don’t believe in God?

What if I don’t believe in God? 

About 7% of all people in the world are atheists or question God’s existence. This figure is higher among teenagers.  Whereas we offer both faith-based and practical solutions on your mental health journey, we encourage you to consider God in your quest for answers. If it’s true that He created you, loves you and has a purpose for you, wouldn’t you want to know? 


If you are open to this, consider talking to Him as you would a friend even though it may feel awkward at first. Consider reading John in the bible to learn a bit more. You can buy a bible or if you aren’t ready for that, you can click here to read it online.


And if you know any people who are strong in their faith, you know the ones that seem different in a good way  – they love people, they smile a lot and are always helping people. You may want to consider talking with them and asking them about the God they serve.

How can I find hope in the midst of suffering?

How can I find hope in the midst of suffering?

Sometimes we suffer because of our own choices, sometimes we suffer because of other people’s choices and sometimes we suffer due to circumstances beyond our control. No matter the reason, none of us would choose to suffer.  Clinging tightly to our faith in God will give us hope. If you are struggling with your faith, surround yourself with people who will pray for you and stand with you through this difficult time.  It’s also helpful to listen to stories of other people who have suffered and are on the other side. Please explore our website for some of our stories and resources that will give you hope in the midst of your struggles.

What steps can I take to improve my mental and emotional well-being?

What steps can I take to improve my mental and emotional well-being? 

Whereas there may be several steps to take to improve your mental health, how about focusing on just taking one step? It may look different to each person, but we encourage you to navigate our website and see what resonates with you.  There are stories and sermons, books, podcasts, articles, and the encouragement to contact a Pastor, therapist or coach.  It can be overwhelming if you try to do all the things at once, you may want to consider what your top three would be and start by choosing just one. One step will lead you toward your next step.

For more questions related to God and the bible, visit

For Prayer

If you have been struggling in one of these areas, we would love to partner in prayer with you. Fill out your contact information below for a personalized prayer sent straight to your inbox.

*Medical Disclaimer
The information available on the Website is for general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should not rely exclusively on information provided on the Website for your health needs. All specific medical questions should be presented to your own health care provider and you should seek medical advice regarding and before making any changes related to your health. If you choose to use the information available on the Website without prior consultation with and consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agreeing to hold harmless LOOKING4ANSWERS, INC, its agents, employees, contractors, and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury or illness to you or your property arising out of or connected with your use of this information.

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